After the Show, 1953 Sold
And God Created All The Fowls of the Air and Fishes of the Seas, 1990 Sold
Artist in the Studio, 1994 Sold
Aspiration, 1988 Sold
Boy with Kite (from the Hiroshima Series), 1983
Builders No.2, 1985 Sold
Children at Play, ca. 1955 Sold
Confrontation at the Bridge, 1975 Sold
Deception, 1997 Sold
Douglass, 1999 Sold
Family, 1983
Farmers, 1983
Hotel Astor, ca. 1954
Man and Book, ca. 1945 Sold
Man with Birds, 1983
Market, 1983
Memorabilia, 1990 Sold
Morning Still Life, 1976 Sold
No. 15 John Brown made many trips to Canada organizing for his assault on Harper’s Ferry, 1977 Sold
No. 2 (For 40 Years John Brown Reflected on the Hopless and Miserable Condition of the Slaves), 1977 Sold
No. 2. “And God brought forth the firmament and the waters., 1990 Sold
No. 3. “The Creation was done – and all was well.“, 1990 Sold
On the Way, 1990 Sold
People in the Park, 1983
Playground (from the Hiroshima Series), 1983
Still Life with Grapes, 1965 Sold
Street Scene (from the Hiroshima Series), 1983
Ten Builders (From The Builders Suite), 1996
The Birth of Toussaint, 1986 Sold
The Capture, 1987 Sold
The Legend of John Brown Series No. 6, 1977 Sold
The Legend of John Brown Series No. 7, 1977 Sold
The Opener, 1997 Sold
The Swearing In , 1977 Sold
“And God created all the beasts of the earth.”, 1990
“And God created all the fowls of the air and fishes of the seas.”, 1990 Sold
“And God created man and woman.”, 1990 Sold
“And God said, ‘Let the Earth bring forth the grass, trees, fruits and herbs’.”, 1990 Sold
“In the beginning all was void.”, 1990 Sold